Friday, July 19, 2013

Breastfeeding Is Worth the Work!

English: A baby breastfeeding
English: A baby breastfeeding (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sore nipples. Leaky boobs. Breast pumps, pillows, and creams. Days when feeding your baby is all you get done. Hoping that the whole world isn't staring at your chest, especially when you're breastfeeding in public (or among friends and family who aren't used to nursing babies).

So why bother? You've heard that breast is best, but is it just nutritional balance?

It's life balance. You are setting up your baby's whole body for a healthy life. Your body makes exactly what your baby needs and it comes in a nice warm container! It's your time with your baby.

If you have problems or are told by a professional that you can't breastfeed, seek a second opinion. Very few medications and medical conditions actually make breastfeeding unsafe . See Find a Le Leche League leader. Breastfeeding is natural, but it doesn't always come naturally.

A natural birth experience sets you up for breastfeeding success, but many many moms breastfeed just as successfully after surgical or medicated births. Start as soon as possible after birth. If you can hold your baby immediately and postpone routines (immediate assessments can be done with your baby on you or next to you) all the better.

If things go wrong with breastfeeding, you can still keep trying. Even moms who have adopted a baby and not given birth can produce milk so anything is possible if you want to continue.

Don't let anyone tell you to stop sooner than you want to. I personally breastfed my youngest child for two years and have known other moms to nurse longer than that.

For those moms of older kids who didn't get to breastfeed, you did not fail. You are still the mom and can encourage healthy eating habits at any point in your child's life.

Always be supportive of breastfeeding moms. No giving unwanted bottles or pacifiers. No unsupportive advice, and for heavens sake no staring like it's something strange.
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