Friday, June 28, 2013

Is Homebirth Brave?

English: Ágnes Geréb, Hungarian midwife and do...
English: Ágnes Geréb, Hungarian midwife and doctor checks the heartbeat of the fetus during labour at a homebirth. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Every act of motherhood is brave. Taking charge of one's own life experience is brave. We all have the ability to create our circumstances. Sometimes we just forget and let things happen to us.

Do you want to be an active participant in your baby's birth? The reality of hospital birth is that it involves a routine that may not suit you.

Some people feel that it is brave to have a homebirth because pharmaceutical pain control isn't available. For some having medication at the ready is a comfort, but it is not the only way to have a comfortable labor and birth. Pain medications commonly used during childbirth are not always effective and they do carry serious risks. Most people won't tell you how painful it is to receive an epidural or how dizzy, sick, and tired you may feel after receiving pain medications. What if you are one of those women who would actually enjoy a natural birth? What's brave about preserving your right to the birth that makes you happy?

Are you taking a big risk by having a homebirth where life-saving technology is not right at hand?
Technology commonly used in birth is a double edge sword. It lowers risks when applied to high-risk situations, but in everyday, low-risk births all of the risks inherent in the technology are there but then there are no benefits.

Pregnancy is a very good time to take charge. You are in charge of a fragile new life and your life is in a state of change. What happens to you happens to your baby. Your stress is theirs.

When all is said and done, you have to be comfortable with your birth experience.

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